Increase Internet Speed Tips / Tricks – Increase Your Internet Guide

Written by Tdgameszone

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I’m going to teach you how you can get a faster internet speed than you’re currently paying for without paying anything extra no matter what internet company you have.

I’m going to show you what you need how to do it and why it works, so staytuned I’m sure you’re going to be surprised at how easy this really is. We’re basically going to take advantage of how your internet company sets the speed limit for your connection and thenremove that limit. 

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In most cases this will mean that you will get the fastest internet speed possible that your ISP offers without paying anything. Let meexplain. You see, this is how your internet company sets your connection speed. When you buy an internet plan the company will mark your account forwhatever speed you bought, of course, then once your router and modem are set up they will send a signal to thatequipment called an “Account Setup Ping”, and this contains information about youraccount. 

Your modem then saves this information because it’s required to beable to connect your ISP that’s why whenever you get a new modem,you usually have to call your ISP for them to send a refresh signal for it towork again. This first message sent to your modemcontains data on what internet speed you should have so that your router doesn’t request morebandwidth than what you’re actually paying for. 

So then anytime you go to use theinternet to download a file or anything like that your router sends another signal to theisp requesting the file at whatever speed you’re paying for, and this iscalled a “Speed Pulse Signal”. And this signal is essentially a simple standingwave, and how it works is the internet speed is actually determined by theamplitude of the signal. 

Now that all sounds complicated but all you need toknow is that if you amplify the speed pulse signal your ISP is going to giveyou more bandwidth and therefore a faster internet speed. Now of course your router is supposed tosend the correct signal from when it was first configured with your account. But here’s the secret: We can actuallyamplify the speed pulse signal ourselves. So that means that if we were able toamplify and max out the speed pulse signal, we would get the maximum internetspeed capable of the ISP, so you’re essentially tricking ISP system intogiving you your maximum bandwidth. 

So now that you understand how your internet speed is determined, you may bewondering how we can amplify that speed pulse signal so that we can get thefaster internet speed, and that’s exactly what I’m going to show you in this Article. Now you’re only going to need a coupleof things. First of all some electrical tape any kind will do, and also tworechargeable AA batteries. Used correctly, these will be able to amplify the speed pulse signal and max out your connection speed. 

As usual I’m going to go into the science behind all this and all the technical aspects, but if you want to get right into the tutorial, you can just skip ahead that’s fine.So now let’s get into the cool science stuff and explain why this works. You see the speed pull signal is firstgenerated in the router and then sent to the modem. The frequency is going tochange depending on your ISP and it really doesn’t matter all we need to do is be able to somehowamplify the speed pull signal at some point between the router and modem so then it will be automaticallyforwarded to the ISP to initiate the file transfer at the additionalamplitude. With a little bit of physics knowledge it’s really not that difficult to figureout how we can do this we’re going to use the batteries to create a type oftransformer that will step up the voltage of the signal, and no i don’tmean transformers like the movie I mean an electrical transformer.

Transformers look like this they’re essentially two coils of wirethat sit next to each other but they have very interesting properties.Depending on how many turns are in each coil we can use a transformer to eitherincrease or decrease the voltage in the circuit. This can be calculated by the followingequation. The voltage in the secondary coil divided by the voltage in the primary coilequals number of turns in the secondary coil divided by the number of turns inthe primary coil. So for example if there are twice as many turns in the secondcoil as the first you’re going to get twice the voltage. Let me show you. If we have any voltage Xand we have one turn in the primary coil and three in the second if we solve forthe voltage in the second coil it will be 3 times X so we use this very simpletransformer to multiply the voltage by three. This works through what’s calledmagnetic induction as any current passes through a wire it’s going to create a magnetic fieldand if you put a changing magnetic field next to another wire, itwill induce a voltage in that wire. 

So in the case of a transformer we’re essentially wrapping a coil ofwire around itself multiple times so that the magnetic field induces avoltage on to each turn of the coil as if it were its own wire so it’smultiplied by the number of turns. So in layman’s terms were basicallydouble dipping on the voltage induction so that we can get a higher voltage thanwhat we put in. Now the amplitude of the signal that Iwas talking about before is the same as the voltage. If we amplify that and stepup the voltage, it’s going to max out the connection which means that the ISP isgoing to give us the maximum internet speed it can. Finally to make it easierto amplify the signal, we’re going to use the two batteries asthe transformer cores. This is going to simply augment the amplification byadding extra electromagnetic field strength. Now no matter how complicatedthe sounds, it’s going to be way easier to understand once I show you and I’m sure plenty of you are eager toget started so let me go and show you what you have to do. Ok so the first thing you need to do isfind your router and modem. 

This is going to be different for everyinternet service provider but you should be able to figure it out. Ss you can see this is my router andthen in here, don’t mind the mess, is my modem which actually goes to my ISP’sfiber line but for you it might go to a cable modem that hooks up to your cable it doesn’t really matter. All we need toworry about is the cable that goes between your router and your modem, sothen you want to just unhook that. All right so you just want to unplug thewire that goes between your router and your modem. If you don’t have that, if you have oneof those combination router-modems you want to unplug the wire between thecomputer and the router-modem. Also you want to make sure to only touchthe ethernet cable, be careful because if you have fiber lines like in there they’re very delicate and if you breakthem they’re a pain to replace. So let’s head on to the next step. 

Alright so once you have the ethernetcable the electrical tape and the battery is this is what we need to do we’re essentially going to coil the wirearound the batteries in such a specific way as to amplify the signal. So first thing you want to do is coverthe battery terminals with the tape because we don’t want them touching atall it’s really just to be… Just to be safe, also so no electricity escapes and dampens the signal at all. Ok so once the battery terminals aretaped off next you’re going to want to get a big piece of tape ready so we cansecure it once we coil the wire correctly. So justtear that off, lay it aside and now what you want to do is find about the middleof the cable, doesn’t really matter exactly where. Just to have enough spaceand you want to wrap once around this battery and once you do that, just once, we’re going to tape this off to makesure that it stays in position and this And this should be enough to keep it like that. And that’s the first one. Now for the second battery we’re goingto do the same thing except a little bit different. So get another long piece oftape ready… 

And then we’re going to wrap it four times this time. But it has to beas close to this other battery as possible so one, two, three… Fourth one might bedifficult. Four.  Ok. And now, we can tape that up, make sure it’s all secure. Make sure thewires are coiled as tightly as possible Then once we do this we can tape thebatteries just a little bit to keep them parallel just like this. So this is itlooks weird but if you watched my science explanation this is going tolook very familiar. Essentially the signal comes into thefirst coil and it creates electromagnetic field through thebattery and then by the time it gets the second coil, that’s where it’s amplifiedby that same electromagnetic field through induction, and when it exits it’s going to be at a higher voltage,higher amplification then when it came in through this makeshift transformer wecreated here. So by the time it gets through thiswhole contraption the signal is going to be maxed out, so the ISP is not going tolimit your speed is going to give you the maximum speed possible. So now we can go and hook it back up andsee what happens. 

Alright so now we have this really weird looking cable andwe’re going to put it right back where it was before and the only thing you really need toknow is that the side with the single coil needs to go towards the router andthe side with the three coils needs to go towards the ISP,  “down the line” towardsyour ISP so to speak. So i’m going to plug the side with thethree coils into the modem and then I’m going to put this side into the router. So once you do that, let’s go and test it out into a speedtest. Ok so let’s do a quick preliminary test on without thespecial cable at all, and see what I get just as a quick test. And it looks likeit’s going to be between 90 and 100 megabits. 

That’s pretty typical. I pay for 100 megabit internet so that’sexactly what I would expect, and the upload speed should be pretty similaronce that starts. It’s a hundred mega bit up and down,let’s find out what the upload speed looks like. And it still looks like it’sgoing to top out maybe in the 80s maybe 90s, Ialmost never get the full hundred megabit so pretty typical. We can only hope that it’ll be faster inthe special cable test. I know that my ISP does offer gigabit sohopefully in that next test it’ll be faster. So why don’t we gochange the cable out and see what it does Alright so let’s run this test again… And oh my god… this is awesome ok so as you can see this cable unlockedthe maximum speed for what my ISP offers which is obviously gigabit internet. I couldn’t have even hoped for this kind ofspeed but I guess that speed pulse signal was amplified and maxed out, andnow I have the maximum speed available by my ISP. So I’m definitely going toenjoy this gigabit internet from now on. 

Alright so obviously this is prettyamazing what you can accomplish with just a couple of batteries, and I can’timagine that ISPs are going to be able to patch this anytime soon, It would mean they would haveto completely change how their networks function. So enjoy this and hopefully itworks for you as well. So why don’t you guys let us know downin the comments what kind of internet speed you were able to get and maybeyour ISP as well.

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